Parent/Guardian Consent for Free, Pooled COVID-19 Testing of Students

As part of our multifaceted safety plan, free COVID-19 testing will be offered this year to all students at their school site, every other week. Your informed consent is required prior to testing. All are encouraged to take advantage of this program which will help us identify and manage cases and avoid outbreaks. Testing is not recommended for students who are fully vaccinated. For more information about Ginkgo Pooled Testing, please visit this link, which can be translated into many languages by using the box at the upper right. The following link, also translatable, is specifically about Ginkgo Pooled Testing consent. 

Marin Consent Link and Code:

Parent/Guardian Consent for a Minor for Pooled COVID-19 Testing  — Code: ALBANY-MARIN

Cornell Consent Link and Code:

Parent/Guardian Consent for a Minor for Pooled COVID-19 Testing  — Code: ALBANY-CORNELL

Ocean View Consent Link and Code:

Parent/Guardian Consent for a Minor for Pooled COVID-19 Testing  — Code: ALBANY-OCEAN

AMS Consent Link and Code:

Parent/Guardian Consent for a Minor for Pooled COVID-19 Testing  — Code: ALBANY-MIDDLE

AHS/Macgregor Consent Links and Code:

Parent/Guardian Consent for a Minor for Pooled COVID-19 Testing  — Code for both AHS and Mac is ALBANY-AHS

Adult Student (18 and Over) Consent for Pooled COVID-19 Testing — Code for both AHS and Mac is ALBANY-AHS