Preschool Schedule
The preschool center is open 7:30-6:00 daily. The children are combined in room 10, Oaks, for the first 30 minutes of the day. The children are combined in room 8, Eucalyptus, for the final 30 minutes of the day.
Time |
Activity |
7:30 |
School Opens: Free Choice/Independent Work Time |
8:30 |
Breakfast |
9:00 |
Indoor Activities |
9:30 |
Indoor Activities & Classroom Courtyard play time |
10:00 |
Large Group Time |
10:15 |
Outdoor Play Time on the large yard |
11:30 |
Lunch: Family Style Dining |
12:00 |
Toileting, clean up |
12:30 |
Naptime |
2:00 |
Free Choice Indoor Activities |
2:30 |
Snack |
3:00 |
Large Group Time |
3:30 |
Outdoor Play time on the large yard |
4:30 |
Indoor Activities |
6:00 |
School Closes |